Tuesday, May 26, 2009

One More

Ok, one more from the shoot with Rhonda.

I had so much fun. I think a lot of that was Rhonda's fault, she's just a lot of fun to hang out with, but also I just have fun pushing that little shutter button down.

This was shot using my homemade snoot with a 20 degree grid strapped to the front of it. I basically stole the idea from one of my favorite photographers, Zack Arias. Instead of buying a lightsphere and painting it, I cut a hole in the bottom of an old Lysol Disinfectant Wipes pale, and wrapped it in black gaff.

Oh, and I love this location. There is still so much more of it to explore, and it's right in my backyard. 10 points if you know where it is.


  1. I know where it is!! Pick me! Pick me!

  2. [...] SB-28 positioned behind Luke, high, and camera-right. The rim-light behind Luke is my home-made “Lysol Snoot” with a 20 degree grid bungeed to [...]
