Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Note to Amy

On March 22nd, 2008, Amy Hope Crane went to Heaven.

On March 22nd, 2009, the Crane family reflected.

The look back wasn't at the tragedy, and it was not a time to look back and celebrate Amy's life; the Crane family gathered to take one more step of grief, but they took that step together in love. On a lonely, cold, and windy beach in Virginia, right as the sun was ducking behind the Chesapeake Bay, Amy's siblings and parents read notes and shared thoughts of her. Staying warm was merely a side-effect of huddling close. No shoulder was without an arm around it, and no cheek was without a tear as various words of comfort were read from various cards.

There is no conclusion, and there is no end, there is only the next step. I say that with expectation, not with despair, because I know that though the journey may be long, I will see Amy again.

It's no mistake that Amy's middle name is Hope.


  1. and there's no stopping here. Praise you, King Jesus.
    Bless these beautiful people.

  2. Through Amy's death, i learned SO MUCH about my Jesus, SO MUCH about His grace and SO MUCH about the love of our wonderful Savior. I can't imagine how much grief the Crane family is going through, but i also can't imagine how much of the wonderful grace of Jesus they have either.
    Thank you for your wonderful testimony...its something that i cherish.
    I can't wait to see Amy again, she was a blessing and definitely a bright and sweet memory.

    Romans 8:38-39
    "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

  3. Mmmmm... Awesome picture. I love Crane people. They've stayed strong through SO much. I look up to them all.
