Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Beautiful Heather

My wife is a really good sport. It's hard to be married to a photographer.

Heather is so creative and artistic, I would want to shoot her photos anyway, but the fact that she lives with me and is always willing to stand in front of the camera when I want to try something new, is very helpful.

I know I post a lot of photos of my family on this blog, and I'm not apologizing. They are beautiful and lovely to look at, so you should be grateful, but I could also use some more willing/not-so-willing models. If you're interested, and able to be close-by, drop me a comment, I'll hook you up.

Check out Heather's blog at heatherbethune.com


  1. GEEEEZ, this is flawless. photo and person

  2. I love the pictures of your family. Especially Heather. She's so beautiful and you do an excellent job of capturing that.

  3. [...] what the models were doing. It’s his way of practicing for when it’s his turn to be my test subject instead of his [...]
